CEOatHinduja Hospital

Mudit: Over your 32-year career, you’ve likely experienced career shifts and transitions. Can you share your insights and lessons from moving between different roles and industries?

Answer: Transitioning from a multinational corporation to a hospital business was a significant change and a leap of faith. It exposed me to a different level of complexity and ambiguity in managing an organization. It taught me how to navigate real-life
situations, handle political dynamics, manage patient care, and deal with legal, ethical, and operational challenges. What I’ve learned is that the skills and experiences gained in one industry or role can be valuable in unexpected ways in another. It’s
crucial to adapt, learn, and continuously develop both technical and soft skills. Embracing change and being open to new
experiences can lead to personal and professional growth.

Mudit: What advice do you have for middle-level managers aspiring to reach the C-suite or top leadership positions in their


Answer: Aspiring leaders should focus on more than just demanding a promotion or a higher-level position. Instead, they
should concentrate on preparing themselves for those roles. This means improving their knowledge, skills, and attitude, showing
initiative and leadership, and aligning themselves with the organization’s values and vision.

Leadership is not solely about technical skills or performance; it’s about demonstrating alignment with the board’s vision,
impeccable integrity, transparency, and the ability to operate in acomplex, ambiguous environment. Being ready for a higher
position means having the ability to execute flawlessly, inspire others, and manage multiple stakeholders. Growth requires a
combination of skills, attitude, and alignment with theorganization’s goals.


Mudit: Effective communication is a crucial skill for leaders. What advice would you give to individuals who want to
improve their communication skills, especially in technical fields?


Answer: Communication skills are essential, especially in technical fields. To enhance your  communication skills, start by recognizing that it’s a learned skill, not something you’re born with. Take a
conscious effort to develop your communication skills. This involves learning the science of communication and then
perfecting the art. Listen actively to others, be empathetic, and engage in
meaningful conversations. Understand that effective communication is a two-way street where you need to not only
convey your message but also understand others’ perspectives. Practice speaking clearly and concisely, avoiding jargon when
Remember that communication skills are vital in various aspects of life, not just in the workplace. Practice communication with
family, colleagues, and even strangers. Continuous improvement in communication will set you apart as a leader in any field.

Mudit: Can you elaborate on the importance of executive presence and how it can impact a leader’s career?


Answer: Executive presence is critical for leaders. It involves the way you present yourself, your behavior, attire, and
communication style. First impressions matter, and as a leader, you’re constantly being watched and evaluated by others.
Your executive presence is a reflection of your leadership style. People assess your alignment with the organization’s values, your
trustworthiness, integrity, and transparency. They also watch what you do and what you don’t do, what you say and what you don’t
say. These softer skills become increasingly important as you ascend the leadership ladder.


To excel in leadership, pay attention to your behavior, appearance, and communication. It’s not just about being technically
proficient; it’s about inspiring and influencing others through your executive presence.


Mudit: Any parting advice for aspiring leaders on their journey to the top, particularly those aiming for a CXO role?


Answer: Maintain optimism, focus on excellence, and have a positive attitude. Understand that change is a part of life, and
embracing it can lead to personal and professional growth. Strive for balance in various aspects of life, and don’t underestimate the power of “like attracts like” in building relationships. Lastly, remember that pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice; it’s
essential to stay mentally resilient and optimistic in the face of challenges.

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