First, could you please introduce yourself and share some background information with our viewers? Where did you study, what experiences have shaped your career, and how did you reach your current position?

Answer: To provide some context, I’m originally from Calcutta, India. Most of my schooling was in Calcutta. I then received a scholarship to study in the United States for my college and university education. Following that, I unexpectedly found myself in the world of banking, which I humorously refer to as the “banking trap.” It started as a temporary choice but eventually became a lifelong career. Today, I’m working with one of the 50 largest banks globally, ANZ Bank. I am based in Dubai and oversee ANZ Bank’s operations in the Middle East. I’ve been in Dubai for the past 20 years, handling responsibilities in this region.

Mudit: It’s interesting how you mentioned receiving a scholarship to study in the United States. Could you elaborate on how you managed to secure that scholarship? It’s a topic of interest for many of our viewers.


Answer: I was quite determined from an early age to study in the United States. I began taking American exams even before completing my 11th grade, despite many people deeming it impossible. One person in Calcutta, however, shared their successful experience, and that inspired me to pursue the path. I applied to 21 universities and remarkably secured a scholarship for early admission without even finishing my 12th grade. This demonstrates the power of focus and not accepting “no” as the final answer.


Mudit: After your studies, where did your career path lead you, and what did you do in your professional life?


Answer: My career journey took an unexpected turn. I initially aimed for a career with an international organization like the United Nations. During my time in the United States, I interned with the UN. However, when it came to securing a job, there were limitations for Indian applicants, and I didn’t get the UN job I aspired to. It was a significant disappointment, given my aspirations for an international career. As a temporary break, I contemplated returning home to pursue a PhD. However, my parents encouraged me to seek a stable job, which led me to banking. I started as a management trainee in my first Indian bank, and over time, I discovered an international scope within the banking sector, both in terms of geography and the variety of products. This journey eventually led me to my current role in the Middle East.

Mudit: You mentioned facing disappointments earlier in your career. How did you cope with these setbacks and continue your journey to where you are today?


Answer: Facing those disappointments was indeed a blow. I had a clear vision of where I wanted to be in my career, and not achieving that goal was disheartening. However, when circumstances are beyond your control, it’s essential to seek out the next best opportunity. I began to look for attributes and opportunities that aligned with my focus. This led me to banking, and I found the international exposure I was seeking within this industry. I believe that sometimes in life, you have to adapt and make the most of the opportunities that present themselves. My career in banking, despite its creative challenges, provided the international dimension I desired, and I worked to balance it with my personal life.


Mudit: Over the years, have you encountered other challenges in your career, and how did you overcome them? Any advice for our viewers dealing with similar situations?


Answer: Certainly, challenges are inevitable during a career that spans decades. Even after working hard to establish myself in banking, I faced dilemmas, situations where I Mudited whether it was the right path, or if I was being treated fairly. It’s essential to take a step back, introspect, weigh the pros and cons, and maintain patience and resilience. I found that my ability to balance personal interests and professional goals was a key factor in overcoming these challenges. It’s important to remember that career progression doesn’t always follow a linear path. Instead of fixating on what others are doing or where you “should” be, focus on what makes you tick and the aspects of your life that are fulfilling.

Mudit: You emphasized the importance of maintaining a work-life balance. Could you share your strategies for managing yourself and ensuring you can put your best foot forward at work?


Answer: Managing yourself effectively involves maintaining focus, breaking tasks into manageable pieces, prioritizing, and practicing patience while waiting for results. Additionally, being supportive and empathetic is vital. The COVID-19 pandemic has made us more empathetic and has challenged traditional mindsets about flexible working. Today, flexibility is a mantra, but it wasn’t so a decade or more ago. I’ve always believed in working efficiently and smartly, rather than excessively long hours. I think it’s crucial to maintain a work-life balance and to blend personal interests into your life. It’s not just lip service; you must live and breathe it. Balancing priorities and schedules sensibly and flexibly is the key to achieving this balance.


Mudit: You mentioned your interests outside of work, such as travel, cooking, languages, and motorsports. Can you share more about how you pursue these interests and how they contribute to your life?


Answer: My passions outside of work have become integral to my life. I have a deep love for international exposure, culture, food, and languages. Traveling is a passion that has allowed me to explore numerous countries, learn about different cultures, and appreciate the diversity of our world. I met a 95-year-old lady who inspired me to explore the world, and I’ve visited 122 countries so far. Traveling isn’t just a chore; it’s a passion that has broadened my horizons.

Cooking and learning languages have also become significant interests. They tie in with my love for international experiences. These interests have encouraged me to reside in various countries, learn new languages, and expand my cultural understanding. Additionally, I’ve developed a passion for motorsports and racing, which provides a different kind of rush. These interests help me maintain my sanity and a balanced life.


Mudit: You’ve highlighted the importance of personal passions and hobbies. How do you manage your time to balance these interests with your professional responsibilities?


Answer: Balancing professional responsibilities and personal interests is essential. I allocate time for my interests during weekends and long holidays. It’s crucial to incorporate your passions into your life, as it helps maintain balance and sanity. I firmly believe that work-life balance is not just a concept to discuss but something to actively practice. As long as you manage your priorities and time sensibly and flexibly, it’s possible to strike this balance effectively.

Mudit: You mentioned the importance of international exposure and cultures in your life. Could you elaborate on how these experiences have shaped your perspective and contributed to your personal and professional growth?


Answer: International exposure has had a profound impact on my life. It has made me more open-minded, appreciative, and broadened my horizons. The experience of living in different countries, walking their streets, and immersing myself in their cultures has been a source of continuous learning. It has fueled my passion for exploring the world and understanding its diversity. These experiences have influenced my approach to work and personal life, making me a more well-rounded individual.

Mudit: In your journey, you’ve encountered setbacks and challenges. What advice do you have for viewers who may be facing similar obstacles in their careers or personal lives?


Answer: When faced with challenges or disappointments, it’s essential to adapt and seek the next best opportunity. Take a step back, introspect, and consider your options with patience and resilience. Don’t get caught up in comparisons or rigid career paths. Focus on what truly motivates you and strive for a balanced approach to work and personal life. Remember that career progression is not always linear, and it’s possible to find fulfillment and success by following your passions and making the most of the opportunities that come your way.


Mudit: You got into racing; could you share what excites you about racing cars, and do you find any parallels with your work when you’re behind the wheel?


Answer: Racing for me is about the thrill and the adrenaline rush, not about competition or financial gains. It began with casual driving, touring, and enjoying the company of like-minded people. Over time, I got onto the track, started controlling the vehicle, and developed a unique connection with the machine. It’s about the pure joy of speed and mastering the art of control. It’s a different kind of thrill that I thoroughly enjoy, separate from the competitive aspect of it.

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